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Why should you practice yoga in water? (Aqua Yoga benefits)

- Helps in the development of strength and static balance
- Helps in increasing the flexibility
- Helps in toning of the body muscles
- Gives relief from stress and tensions and rejuvenates the body
- Helps in improving sleep
- Useful for patients suffering from arthritis and fibromyalgia
- It is good for the immune system
- Revitalises and energises the body
- Helps improve digestion
- It assists in healing
- Relaxes and strengthens the muscles and decreases strain on muscles
- Decreases fatigue
Poses to gain perfect balance
- Padangusthasana
This is known as the Big Toe Pose. One needs to stand in chest deep water. Hold the side of the pool with one hand. Stretch the outer leg and bring the knee of this leg towards the chest. Hold the outer edge of the foot with the other hand and try to straighten the leg to the maximum limit but keep the back straight. Now take the leg to the side and both hips forward. Now leave the wall and balance. The same procedure has to be repeated for the other side.

- UrdhvaMukhaSvanasana
This is known as the upward facing dog pose.Hold two foam noodles with the hand. Keep the spine straight and hold the shoulders away from the ears. Push the noodle,bend the back and roll over to the top of the toes.
- AdhoMukhaVrksasana
- This is known as the handstand. Get into slightly deeper water.Place the hands on the bottom and hold the feet in the air and hold your breath. As your balancing skills and holding of breath improves you may try a little shallower water but under expert guidance.
- Navasana
This is known as the floating boat pose.For this pose float on the back in water such that your toes and head are above water. Stretch the hands towards the toe. Hold the pose for few seconds. The pose needs to be repeated three times.- ArdhaChandrasana
- This is known as the half moon pose.Stand straight and hold the wall of the pool with the left hand. Place the right hand on the right hip. Keep both the legs straight and as the right leg rises loosen up the foot. Let the right leg be parallel to the ground and open the hips on the right and raise the right hand. Hold for a few seconds. Now repeat the pose for the other side.
- Bhujangasana
This is known as the wall cobra pose. For this, you will need chest deep water. Stand a little away from the edge of the pool. Bend your back and lean forward. Hold this pose for few seconds. This pose needs to be repeated three times.- Uttarasana
This is known as the forward bend pose.One needs to be in the shallow water in the pool.Hold the edge of the pool. Keep the feet on the side of the pool with the knees bent. Straighten the legs and let the body rest on the thighs for few seconds. - Aqua yoga is a superb way of performing difficult yoga poses with ease. This form has an array of benefits which enable a person to lead a healthy life and should definitely be tried. It is best to perform these poses under the guidance of an expert and skillful yoga instructor.
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