Yoga For Beginners: Essential Poses For Yoga Beginners

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“Yoga For Beginners: Essential Poses For Yoga Beginners” is a book that outlines the basic yoga poses that a novice can try if they have an interest in starting to practice yoga. The author has made a concerted effort to make everything as simple as possible so that it can easily be understood.

There are many books outlining yoga poses but none is as simple as and easy to understand as this. The book is also well timed as it is being published in a period when persons are seeking various solutions to remain healthy or to get healthy apart from modifying the diet of course.

The book is filled with over thirty illustrations as well as instructions on how to get the poses done. They are all basic poses which would be done in the initial stages of practicing yoga. Before you move on to the intermediate level, the body would be properly conditioned by these poses. Some people may think that they are not very effective but once they start doing the various poses they start to feel the positive effects. Yoga is a nice low impact way to exercise and keep fit. The author knows this and conveys this in her book.

Price: $2.99 USD
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