Low Lunge is great for stretching the legs and groin. It improves balance and helps with sciatica

Low Lunge is great for stretching the legs and groin. It improves balance and helps with sciatica.
HOW TO DO IT: Begin in Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana). Step your right foot forward between your hands. Your right knee should be above your heel. Lower your left knee to the ground.
The top of your left foot should be touching the floor. Slide your left leg back until you feel a good stretch. Lift your torso so that it is upright. Tilt your tailbone forward to elongate the spine. You may rest your right hand on top of your right knee and your left on your left calf, as in the photo, or you may reach your arms out to the side and up into the sky. Allow your head to stay in a neutral position or look up toward the ceiling. Be careful to not compress your neck. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute. Gently return to Downward-Facing Dog. Rest for a couple breaths. Repeat on the other side. Remember to breathe.
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