How to Design a Yoga Room

by 3:21:00 AM 0 comments

While it is not essential to have a yoga room in order to practice yoga, you may find that creating a special space in your home provides inspiration, relaxation and tranquility for your yoga sessions. Create a yoga room that suits your needs and style.
How to Design a Yoga Room
(Santy Gibson/Demand Media)
Step 1
Find a space in your home to convert to a yoga room, perhaps a spare bedroom or home office. If an entire room isn't available, choose a corner in a low-traffic area in your house.
Santy Gibson/Demand Media
Step 2
Paint the room a color that will inspire peace and tranquility. Consider light shades of blue, green, lavender or yellow. Install a dimmer switch to the lights. Alternately, use low-wattage or three-way bulbs in your lamps.
Santy Gibson/Demand Media
Step 3
Leave enough wall space to practice poses that require wall support, such as restorative yoga poses. Otherwise, decorate the room with calming items like sculptures, artwork, shoji screens and candles. Print out inspirational quotes or order them in vinyl lettering to decorate your walls. Scent the room with incense, candles, essential oils or fresh flowers.
Santy Gibson/Demand Media
Step 4
Fill the room with yoga essentials: a yoga mat, ball, blocks, strap, blankets and pillows. Build a library of yoga DVDs, CDs and books to inspire you.
Santy Gibson/Demand Media

Step 5
Arrange your yoga mat to face a window. If the scenery outside your window is not calming, consider installing a frosted or stained glass film that lets in natural light.
Santy Gibson/Demand Media



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